I often work with an elementary school principal who finishes her morning announcements with, “Make it a great day – on purpose.” I love this so much I often share that sentiment with my 8th-grade granddaughter. It’s a wonderfully encouraging statement, and it puts the responsibility for how a person’s day goes right in their lap. Perfect.
Of course, we all heard the discussions about “finding your purpose.” I would suggest doing something on purpose is different than finding your purpose. Although, I imagine you can seek to find your purpose, on purpose. Just a little play on words, there.
There is also a difference between “meaningful” and “intentional” purposes. If you have done something intentionally, you had a plan in mind and took steps to make it happen. If you are doing something meaningful, you seek to add value to something or someone, yourself included.
When I think of meaningful purpose, whether it be “on” or “finding,” I see someone determined to be amazing, act kindly towards others, and encourage those around them in whatever way they can. So, what does “Have a great day – on purpose” look like?
You will not be shaken by things you can’t control
You look forward, with hope, to whatever the day may bring
You take steps to find and maintain your inner peace
You look a challenge, straight in the face, and tackle it head-on
You use your time wisely
You practice self-care, including getting enough sleep
Add your own ideas; it is different for everyone.
What does “finding your purpose” look like? That is also different for every person because I think that revolves around finding your passion. There are many books, and coaches, that can help you work on that process.
Finally, what does “meaningful purpose” look like? I believe I see meaningful purpose being lived out by people who are
Going after their dreams
Setting and reaching their goals
Sharing their stories and knowledge
Helping others discover and go after their dreams
May we all live a life filled with meaningful purpose.
If we can help you with that, feel free to reach out… https://newdirectionlifecoaching.com/